Injustice Belarus
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BY 2021.03.04 EN/RU Laevski & Partners On provision of information to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
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Law Firm
Laevski & Partners

Tel. +375 17 342 83 99 / +375 29 958 86 78

Revolyutsionnaya St., 24B, 2nd Floor, Office 2
220030 Minsk, Belarus

Your ref. No. 29/01-15 of 04.03.2021

Ministry of Justice of the
Republic of Belarus
10, Kollektornaya St., Minsk, 220004

On the provision of information

Since the end of February 2021, legal circles have been discussing the information that drafts of normative legal act are being developed or has already been developed with the participation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on amending the law, according to which such forms of advocacy as law firms and individual lawyers will be either completely excluded from the law or the scope (types) of legal assistance that they can provide (up to legal assistance only on economic and legal issues) will be narrowed with restrictions on the right to provide legal assistance in civil, administrative, and criminal cases.

However, the draft normative legal act on the introduction of the aforementioned amendments to the legislation has neither been published anywhere nor has it been submitted for discussion to the legal community. I believe that if there is a draft law or intentions to introduce such changes in the law, the legal community should be involved in their discussion because this significantly affects the legitimate interests of both lawyers and clients who are provided with legal assistance. If lawyers of law firms and those performing legal activities individually are deprived of the right to provide legal assistance in criminal, civil, and administrative cases, this will also entail restricting the rights of clients who receive legal assistance from such lawyers.

Given the exceptional importance of the issue raised for lawyers and its public importance, we hereby ask you to advise us of the following:

  1. Is there an intention (plan, concept, instruction) to amend the law, which leads to the termination of activities of law firms and lawyers performing advocacy activity individually, or causes limitation of the scope (types) of legal assistance that they are entitled to provide?
  2. If such amendments are planned (are at the stage of development or approval of a draft law or at the stage of discussion), we hereby ask you to advise if the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State Bar Association, Minsk City Bar Association takes part in their planning.
  3. Have to draft normative legal acts on making amendments to the law on advocacy activity or concepts of their development on the issues associated with limitation of activities of law firms and lawyers performing advocacy activity individually been submitted to the Belarusian State Bar Association, Minsk City Bar Association.

Managing Associate,
Lawyer D. V. Laevski


Attached Hereto:

2021.03.04 RU Laevski & Partners On provision of information to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus

2021.03.04 EN Laevski & Partners On provision of information to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus

Nicolaos AA Cheropoulos
Father of Anthoula and Alexandra
Stockholm, Mar 2021
Reviewed Oct. 2023