Andrei Lemeshonok St. Elisabeth Convent Minsk
Picture of Nicolas


BY 2020.05.07 Of the 130 Nuns of St. Elizabeth Convent in Minsk, almost half of them have Corona Virus.

Са 130 манахінь Свята-Елізавецінскага манастыра амаль у паловы — каранавірус

Easter 2020 St. Elisabeths Convent in Minsk

Andrei Lemeshonak and sister Maria Yakauleva
told about it in an interview with

Source in the Russian Language:
(TuT.BY has been closed down and censored by the Dictator Lukashenko and his Criminal Gang)

Andrei Lemeshonok about the Covid-infected Nuns

The monastery was not closed for Easter, despite the recommendations of the BOC leadership, and A. Lemeshonak, on the contrary, urged to come to the church and pray. The coronavirus was discovered en masse a week after Easter, and now the monastery is closed for quarantine.

“I got sick myself. About 130 nuns live in the monastery, – said Sister Maria. – The coronavirus has been confirmed almost in half, and about ten sisters are in hospital. The rest are treated in the convent. We are under the constant supervision of a doctor, following all the recommendations: treat the premises, walk in bandages, live healthily, and eat separately from the sick at different tables.

Surprisingly, some of the sisters with confirmed coronavirus feel great. The disease is asymptomatic. And some sisters who have a negative test feel awful. So it’s all relative. “

“Sick nuns sit in cells and go nowhere. When the doctors allow a short walk, the nuns put on masks, try to keep their distance, and go out for 15 minutes – and in a cell. Healthy sisters mostly cook, clean in the temple, and sing at work. They have no contact with the sick and healed, ”said Sister Maria.        

The first death from coronavirus in St. Elizabeth’s Monastery


Adarya Gushtyn,
(TuT.BY has been closed down and censored by the Dictator Lukashenko and his Criminal Gang)

Reviewed Oct. 2023