Celebrating Anthoulas fourth Birthday at the Royal Palace in Stockholm
Picture of Nicolas


AA 2022.04.05 2/4 Articles published about the Abduction of Anthie’ and Alexandra

Find My Parent

Liudmila Trafimovich Minsk June 2019

Liudmila Trafimovich Minsk June 2019

“I met Liudmila, the mother and abductor of my two daughters, through a dating service called Russian Woman Network in early 2006. My first letter was handwritten, and it included a short presentation of my personality, intentions, and background. At that time, I was living in Greece, but I traveled very frequently to Sweden. We met for the first time in Vilnius in April/May 2006, and she continued to visit me a few times in Greece and Sweden before she arrived to stay permanently in Stockholm in April 2008. I also visited her in Minsk a couple of times between 2006 – 2007.

On one of my visits, I had the opportunity to meet with all her family in her home, where I was invited for dinner. Her family’s home is located in an old area of Minsk which is in huge contrast to the center of Minsk and in big need of renovations. Inside her home, I immediately noticed how she and her mother interacted with her father, Mr. Arkadiy. They treated and talked to him in a very harsh way. I quickly understood that her elder sister had a closer and more sincere relationship with him than her mother and Liudmila. Her mother, Tamara, behaved in a very authoritarian and dominant way to everyone in the room, including me, and I was very upset, but I tolerated it because I was a guest.

Later on, I asked Liudmila why she and her mother treated their father with this kind of attitude. She informed me that her father had problems with alcohol, and that is why they must “have him under control”. I was also told about the stressed relationship that she had with her mother when she was younger because of her mother’s authoritarian and dogmatic attitude. Her mother intervened and deprived Liudmila of many things when she was young because – she was a girl.”

– Nicolaos Cheropoulos, Left Behind Parent

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