BY 2024.03.19 St. Elisabeth Convent turned into a Business Holding Company


As of late, the St. Elisabeth Convent (SEC) has attracted the attention of Belarusians with its controversial activities. Its leader and businessman, Andrei Lemeshonok, supported the mass repression of civil society in 2020. The Monastir got involved in sending aid to Russian soldiers when Russia launched its attack on Ukraine. We decided to take a closer look […]

BY 2023.12.15 “Let’s take Manhattan and then Berlin”: a Russian z-nun visited St. Elisabeth Monastery in Minsk

Andrei Lemeshonok and Alexander Lukashenko at St. Elisabeth Convent

Расейская манашка Яўгенія (Цыўцывадзэ) распавядала у Свята-Елісавецінскім манастыры, што Расея ваюе ва Украіне з сатанізмам і дзякавала менскаму манастыру за падтрымку. Сустрэча прайшла 10 снежня. The Russian nun Yevgenia (Tsytsyvadze) told at the meeting in the Saint Elizabeth Monastery that Russia is at war with Satanism in Ukraine and thanked the Minsk monastery for its support. The meeting was held […]

BY 2023.12.14 “Satan got his Clutches deep inside your soul Andrei Lemeshonok”

Andrei Lemeshonok and Alexander Lukashenko at St. Elisabeth Convent

Должны каяться родители тех, кого избивает ОМОН, Кадафи был единственный в мире «президент для народа», правды, справедливости и честных выборов нет нигде в этом мире, это и другое, а еще «иди ты…» от духовника Свято-Елисаветинского монастыря прот. Андрея Лемешонка. I thought I would not write about one of many Crazy individuals in Belarus. Still, it […]

BY 2023.06.28 The Russian priest was deprived of the rank of the Russian Orthodox Church because of prayers for peace.

Lemeshonok and Lukashenko-The Face of Neo Nazi and Fascism

Расійскі святар, пазбаўлены РПЦ сану праз малітвы за мір, перайшоў у Канстанцінопальскі патрыярхат The Patriarchate of Constantinople reinstated the Moscow priest Ioan Koval, who prayed for the coming of peace instead of praying, as prescribed above, for the victory of Russia. The priest, therefore, is accepted under the anaphora of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew. Father […]

BY 2023.05.18 Archpriest Andrei Lemeshonok repents his 2020 political sermons.

The Sect Leader Andrei Lemeshonok

Протоиерей Андрей Лемешонок раскаивается в своих политических проповедях 2020 года He stated this at his next spiritual meeting, “Tuesday with the priest” with the parishioners. We publish a fragment of his statement. Recall that in 2020 he spoke for Lukashenko and claimed that peaceful protesters were so armed that there were many victims among the security forces from their […]

BY 2023.05.09 St. Elisabeth Monastery arranged a religious procession under the “Katyusha” and with Russian flags in Minsk

The Monastery St. Elisabeth arranged a religious procession with Russian flags in Minsk 2023.05.09

Минский Свято-Елисаветинский монастырь устроил крестный ход под «Катюшу» и с российскими флагами Priests and nuns of the St. Elisabeth Monastery in Minsk, together with parishioners, staged a procession with church symbols. The song “Katyusha” played in the background. The video was published by the telegram channel Khrystsyanskaya Viziya. According to the Telegram channel, the priests staged a procession similar to a […]

BY 2023.03.12 Media: Swedish parish suspects nuns from St. Elisabeth Convent of cheating

Lemeshonok and Lukashenko-The Face of Neo Nazi and Fascism

СМИ: шведский приход подозревает монахинь из Свято-Елисаветинского монастыря в обмане The Swedish parish in the village of Selanger suspects the nuns from the St. Elisabeth Monastery of cheating, reports The article entitled “Russian spy nuns deceived the parish in Selanger in Sweden” was prepared by the newspaper Sundsvalls Tidning and published in the public domain by Expressen. 2023.01.07 Alexander Lukashenko with Andrei Lemeshonok […]

BY 2023.02.22 A strange Orthodox convent situated near Minsk increases its influence on Belarusian politics each year.

Andrei Lemeshonok and Alexander Lukashenko at St. Elisabeth Convent

Странный православный монастырь, расположенный недалеко от Минска, с каждым годом усиливает свое влияние на белорусскую политику. Вопреки всем христианским и гражданским принципам, его администрация оправдывает насилие и все больше отрицает независимость Беларуси. Contrary to all Christian and civil principles, its administration justifies violence and denies the independence of Belarus more and more. In recent years, […]