Andrei Lemeshonok and Alexander Lukashenko at St. Elisabeth Convent
Picture of Nicolas


BY 2023.12.15 “Let’s take Manhattan and then Berlin”: a Russian z-nun visited St. Elisabeth Monastery in Minsk

Расейская манашка Яўгенія (Цыўцывадзэ) распавядала у Свята-Елісавецінскім манастыры, што Расея ваюе ва Украіне з сатанізмам і дзякавала менскаму манастыру за падтрымку. Сустрэча прайшла 10 снежня.

The Russian nun Yevgenia (Tsytsyvadze) told at the meeting in the Saint Elizabeth Monastery that Russia is at war with Satanism in Ukraine and thanked the Minsk monastery for its support. The meeting was held on December 10.

Russian z-nun performs at the Saint Elizabeth Monastery on December 10, 2023.

Mikhail, the commander of the volunteer unit named after Prince Alexander Nevsky, was also present at the two-hour sister meeting.

“The guests thank the employees of the monastery for helping the Russian soldiers: thermal imagers, headphones, uniforms, food, letters, and so on, and ask them not to stop there,” says “Christian Vision” after watching the broadcast.

Mikhail admitted that 20,000 Russian soldiers died in the battles for Bakhmut, which he considers unimaginable losses.

The Saint Elizabeth Monastery and Lemyashonak have already been seen in support of the war. For example, the Russian Telegram channel “Help for Brothers (special operation)” thanked the monastery “for donations”, which were supposed to go to the purchase of thermal imagers for Russian soldiers. There, they often thank Lemyashonka personally. The monastery also collected funds for “aid to Donbass”.

BelSat 2023.12.15:
“Let’s take Manhattan and Berlin”: a Russian z-nun visited the Minsk monastery
