Putins Epiphany Dip Jan 20, 2021
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RU 2020.03.26 Putin’s Pride: Cossacks and the church | DW Documentary English

Казаки, ультраконсервативная группа, являются ключом к власти Путина. Они почитаются как хранители традиционных российских ценностей и служат Путину в качестве националистических военизированных формирований.

Russia – a global power, confident and strong. That’s the image projected by President Vladimir Putin. Decades after the Soviet Union’s collapse, Putin is relying on Russian traditions and values from the tsarist past to kindle patriotism. Many Russians see Vladimir Putin as the man who has returned pride, glory, and honor to their nation.

Putin’s Pride: Cossacks and the church | DW Documentary

The Cossacks, an ultra-conservative group, are key to Putin’s grip on power. They are honored as guardians of traditional Russian values and serve Putin as nationalist paramilitaries.

Tens of thousands of Russians identify as Cossacks. They trace their origins to horsemen who formed mounted bands in the Russian steppes during the 15th Century. Over the course of time, they served many masters – including the tsars. After the Communist Revolution, they faced oppression and persecution. During World War II, some were active in Hitler’s armies. Now, President Putin is capitalizing on their nationalistic priorities. This documentary looks at the role Cossacks play in supporting police in Moscow, including during demonstrations by regime opponents. Another pillar of support for Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church. It has resurged under Putin and exercises considerable political influence – an alliance that benefits both sides. Article 14, paragraph 2 of the Russian constitution defines the separation of church and state. But the Russian Orthodox Church sees itself as a bulwark against outside influence and supports the Kremlin, for example, in its annexation of Crimea. It sees itself as the protector of Russian values and views homosexuality as a sign of an impending apocalypse. The filmmakers show how nostalgia for “Glorious Russia” and the values of the tsarist period are playing out in modern-day Russian politics.

Russian President Vladimir Putin projects an image of strength and unflappability on the global stage. It’s a projection that has infected the confidence and ambitions of many of his people. This is particularly the case with the country’s religious communities, most notably the Cossacks, an ultra-conservative faith-based group that dates back to the 15th Century. Putin’s Pride: Cossacks and the Church examine the rising influence of this religious group in Russia, and how their embrace of the president is proving mutually beneficial.

The Cossacks were essentially banned during the reign of the Soviet Union. But many previously outlawed traditions have made a comeback in modern-day Russia, including the Russian Orthodox Church. Today, these organizations are viewed as essential components to instilling a strong sense of pride, patriotism, and loyalty to the president. The Cossacks are now one of Putin’s most ardent and valuable constituencies.

DW Documentary: Putin’s Pride – Cossacks and the church 

https://youtu.be/euxt0argojI (the video has become private on the web)


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