Anthoula and Alexandra Cheropoulou Abducted 2017
Picture of Nicolas


NGO 2021.02.07 Letter to Officials of UN – EU Parliament | Subject: Abducted EU Kids in Belarus

Subject: Abducted EU Kids in Belarus

Dear Mr. David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament (Ex-President),

Dear Ms. Nicola Beer, European Parliament

Dear Ms. Anaïs Marin, UN Special Reporter on Human Rights in Belarus,

Dear Ms. Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

Dear, All who truly care for Democracy and Human Rights,

I am a left-behind father of two girls who were abducted 4 years ago from Sweden to Belarus by their Belarusian mother Liudmila Trafimovich. I read an article today about the great initiative to finally impose sanctions against Belarusian judges. I have experienced the Belarusian courts for several years first hand, and I have exposed their illegal and corrupt behavior on my personal website, where you can also find a detailed list of all the judges who have not only vandalized the law but also absolutely ignored and mocked any basic human ethical and moral values.  After 4 years of witnessing how their judicial system “works”, I can only say that Belarus is in desperate need of a thorough cleansing of its courts, starting from the very bottom through the very top, and the sooner, the better.

After my rights and the rights of my daughters have been completely violated, and my case in Belarus closed, I recently sent an Open Letter to all the Belarusian judges and officials who participated in this horrible and disgusting perversion of the law.

The letter can be found here:

Manifesto – AACA (

Here is a list of all the Belarusian officials who participated in the denial of justice in regard to my case:

Pitch-Book BY – AACA (

I want to make sure that stories like mine are not forgotten because I am only one of the ~18 foreign parents (incl. Italian, German, Irish, and English…and the number is growing) whose kids (European citizens) are stuck in this Hell only thanks to the corrupt and rotten judicial system of Belarus and also “thanks” to the helpless Hague Convention that simply does not work in countries like Belarus. Our kids deserve and should be protected and helped the same way as the Belarusian political prisoners.

Child Abduction = Child Abuse.

As such, other European left-behind parents and I fully support your initiative to impose sanctions against Belarusian judges, including those Belarusian judges who refused to respect international treaties and made our children orphans of a living parent because they took decisions “Contra Legem”.  We support these sanctions as people who are not part of any political party and are not influenced by any agenda, solely based on our own personal experience.

This way, we hope that you can inform Ms. Svetlana Tihanovskaia and other members of the Belarusian opposition that there are many foreign children abducted to Belarus who are illegally kept separated from the other parent, who is a fit parent, and this is all based on the illegal decisions taken by their Belarusian courts.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any further questions or comments.

Kind Regards,
Nicolas Cheropoulos
Father of Anthie’ and Alexandra
Stockholm, 2021.02.07
Reviewed Oct. 2023