Lemeshonok and Lukashenko-The Face of Neo Nazi and Fascism
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BY 2023.06.28 The Russian priest was deprived of the rank of the Russian Orthodox Church because of prayers for peace.

Расійскі святар, пазбаўлены РПЦ сану праз малітвы за мір, перайшоў у Канстанцінопальскі патрыярхат

The Patriarchate of Constantinople reinstated the Moscow priest Ioan Koval, who prayed for the coming of peace instead of praying, as prescribed above, for the victory of Russia. The priest, therefore, is accepted under the anaphora of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew.

Father Ioan Koval deprived of rank by Patriarch Kirill 2023.06.28

Father Ioan Koval deprived of rank by Patriarch Kirill 2023.06.28

The ecclesiastical court of the Russian Orthodox Church made the decision to depose Ioan Koval in May of this year. Prior to that, in February, Patriarch Kirill personally forbade Koval to serve.

The reason for the ban was that in the “Prayer for Holy Russia”, which was forcibly distributed throughout the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, Koval, instead of the words “Arise, O God, help Your people and give us victory by Your power” said “Arise, O God, help us . ” your people and grant us peace with your power “.

Now the decision made by the Russian Orthodox Church has been declared non-canonical (illegal) and made based not on ecclesiastical but on political considerations, Radio Svaboda reports.


Nasha Niva

Radio Svoboda

Nicolaos AA Cheropoulos
Father of Anthoula and Alexandra
Stockholm, Jun. 2023
Reviewed Oct. 2023